Deliciously Ella reviewed

Deliciously Ella 

I bought this book, as usual from Amazon   as I wanted to venture into low HI (Human Intervention) foods or 'clean foods' Ella calls it 'thoughtful  eating'. I wanted simple, tasty 'good for you meals'.  So far I've not been disappointed. 

The book itself is a 'pretty' book, with the use of different fonts and pastel shades to the photographs. The sort of book it's a pleasure just to look through.  Could easily be a coffee table book, but it has  so much more.
Ella's style of writing immediately engages the reader, beginning with her story and for some time it became my bedtime reading.

 There is lots of information about grains, nuts and seeds, fruit and veg., explaining what they contain and why they're sooo good for you.

The recipes are straight forward, easy to cook and they don't use any weird,  hard to find ingredients. Most are readily available in the local supermarket with just a few which can be obtained online (then I do live in a rural area) On line is good if you want to bulk buy staple ingredients like almonds as it saves so much money.

I've made four of her recipes so far, almond butter, simple oat cookies, easy avocado chocolate mousse and cauliflower and potato curry. All easy, all delicious and all made loads!!  The curry is supposed to feed 4, there are only two of us and there was enough over to freeze four more good sized portions.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the amount of maple syrup used to sweeten.  Ella doesn't count calories, I'm not surprised! I'm using her recipes as part of my 5:2 diet, 5 days I'm eating food with low HI, no dairy,wheat or refined sugars. Just keeping the sweet treats for weekend.

So I won't worry about the maple syrup in the oat cookies as they're just a weekend treat. Ella says it's 3 years since she changed her life, I think this recipe book could easily be a factor in changing mine, it's certainly a good book as a base for alternative eating.

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